
My No Good Very Bad Day

Today was a complete bomb.
I mean, I've had bad days before, but this day was about the worst day I can think of ever having. Ever.
 First it was Mack the dog's 14th birthday. Also the birthday of the late great Stevie Ray Vaughan. Wheee. Celebrate.
1)We have work to do loading up dusty boxes, in a hollow belonging to us that seems to suck the energy out of me: We went out to our property and grabbed some of Shanna's boxes of crap so she can go through her lifetime of stuff. The neighbors (NOT the witch.. but  the gay couple past us who were also involved in the neighbor attacks and who are supposed to have put all animosity towards us behind them due to the fact that it was the witch's fault) that asshole drove through with me on one side of the road and Scott where the water crosses, and as
2) Rick plowed through fast, he snubbed us, and did his best to splash Scott. If you don't know the background of this story, trust me. The guy has no right to be a dick. I will never again be left feeling like a fool waving hello while this guy is rude as he can be. It made my mood go from okay to plummeting. I felt so bad that we can't even have decent neighbors. They've ruined our property for us. We can 't make friends. It wasn't ever like this before. I will never make any pretense of liking Rick Allen ever again. He can take his pedophile bastard self and have that fatal heart attack and that's fine. That other bitch needs to disintegrate, body and soul.
My depression worsened as we drove home. 
3)I came home and turned on the computer to face a rejection for some perceived fuckup I made. It made me feel like crap even more. I messaged a couple of friends how bad my mood was.
4) Only AFTER that did I get a phone call from my sister and told that my mother was taken to the hospital very confused. Turned out the coumadin she had to take because of her artificial heart valve finally did its worst, and she had a brain aneurysm that had ruptured and it was too bad to save her. They said she was not expected to live through this night.  This was about 2:00-3:00 this afternoon. She was taken off life support at her own Living Will request, and died peacefully at 9:50 Eastern time. I was not with her. There was not time.
So I'm like messaging to my friends "Hey I'm in a bad mood" then 10 minutes later "Oh BTW mom's dying" .. it is all too much. 
I can't believe how bad today sucked. I hardly even know how to conduct myself.

1 comment:

  1. Darling, I am sorry. I know you will muddle through, and that your heart aches and burns for your mother.
    Hugs from afar. Cry your tears. They are golden.
