
Memories From My Mother

I have recently been exploring my ancestry. I have always been aware of the people who were before me, but I discovered things online that I had no idea of and passed photos and stories on to my mother and my sister. My mother answered with some emails that I will copy and paste here.
She will be referring to my great grandparents, Asa Walter Hart and Eugenia (Genie Pearl Youngblood) Hart.
When your dad and I went to see his grandmother right after he got home from the war we had only been married about 4 months and still considered it a honeymoon phase. We made the trip on a train from Houston to ? It had a big statue of Popeye and was spinach country in south Texas .  I will look at a map and see the name.  Grandmother and his grandfather owned a hotel and we got a room and it had no lock and Grandmother Hart would pop in at will and it was embarrasing to me.  But when we arrived amd got off the train she and I were walkinjg behind the 2 men and she was saying how much they love Charles and I made the comment that I was so glad he was mine.  She very huffily replied he was theirs too!!~!!!. I felt about 2 ft. high!!  She was so tiny and really ruled the roost.  She disowned one daughter who married someone she did not like and Grandaddy used to meet the daughter and give her money.  He was a very fine man and I loved him.  When he was on Harts back screened room and about to die I went over to see him and when I walked in he smiled and said “There is that beautiful doll Charles married!! He could hardly catch a breath and died a couple of months later, I think.  So sweet to be a Hart.  Ha!  Oh, it was Aunt Blanche who found grandmothers, displeasure.  She also had cancer at a later date and had both breast removed and lived to a ripe age which is amazing considered the time span so long ago. Hope this gives you a peek into that time span.  We only stayed a week but we went down to Mexico, picked bluebonnets on the way down and bought silk stockings which we could not get in the US>the services used all the silk for parachutes, etc.  in the war.  
thanks for reminding me of the names and it was Crystal City .  I hate that my memory is so bad at times.  I cannot think of Blanches last name but it is in the book.  Oh, my father and grandfather and my sister Doris;s baby are  in Hollywood cemetary in Houston . It was so sad when my dad died.  Of course he was an alcoholic from the day we lost our house in the depression.  He died from the effects of liquor and when he was buried in Hollywood the cemetary keepers had tied back huge bushes and there was his plot.  No arrangements were made ahead of time and the next day when we went back they had cut the cords and his grave was covered.  Heart breaking for my mother.  Frankie and I drove out there a few years ago and the bushes were gone but he was by a street.  I must have been about 8.  When Frankie and I went to the hospital before he died they said I could not go up to see him as I was too young and Frankie grabbed my hand and told them I WAS going up and off we went!  Amazing how many memories are in this mind of mine.  Ha!. 
My mother is 85. My father passed away in 1986. He was buried with honors at Mount Olive Cemetery, Stockman Texas... interestingly he was born in Stockman, which no longer exists short of the old church and graveyard and a small private lake where Dad used to fish, and some rural farmhouses.

My friend Cara offered to dig up stuff from Ancestry.com for me, and has pulled up some treasure!Here is a tribute to Matilda E. Youngblood written by her granddaughter.

I was afraid this was a post-mortem photo but then I learned that she had received the Easter lilies for being the oldest mother in the church.


Life With a Diabetic Kid

Our daughter had breast cancer. She chose to go to Boston where she figured she would have more than half a chance at success in treatment. Which she has had, and will happily soon be returning home, if only temporarily, as she is planning to move there for good. Meanwhile we have her son, our grandson. He has Type 1 (insulin dependent)  Diabetes. Most days he is cheerful and active and silly. But the rare day cones along where things are not quite right. I am no mathematical genius, and certain numbers my mind refuses to retain. I have no idea what to say when the doctor asks me the amount of insulin he uses in a day. We have had episodes...

Scenario: High blood glucose: He comes out of his room, gives me a weak looking smirk, and heads for the shower. For some reason he craves being in warm water when his blood sugar is high. When he comes out, he says he has vomited. "Have you tested your glucose level?" "Yes, it is 140" "Check your ketones" 'moderate' ...Okay... drink a lot of water... Try food... can't eat oatmeal and toast, does not want egg salad. Lays down. Gets up again... Looks skinnier and worse.  There is a certain look he gets around the eyes when his levels are wrong... "Are you 100% sure the pump is working properly?" "Yes" Okay...
This goes on for a couple of hours then "I smell insulin" "I changed the set an hour ago"... okay "Do it again" Okay. So he re installs his catheter and says he believes this one is better. SIGH.

Another scenario: Low glucose... eat a quick carb.. candy, 1/2 cup of milk, a couple of glucose tablets... wait 15 minutes, recheck blood glucose.. still too low? Eat something else, half a banana, some fruit juice... recheck in 15 minutes.This keeps  up for awhile till his level is either acceptable or has spiked a bit too high, in which he takes more insulin and rechecks himself every hour or so until he is in the normal range. This all takes quite a toll on him, and is best when he does not allow himself to get off balance.

Rest a lot, drink lots of water... and try again tomorrow.


Where Did Common Sense Go?

So... after coming this far in our fight for our road easement, finally almost to the trial date, the lawyers suggest a Mediation in order to resolve the width of the road. The agreement we all came to was for the road to be surveyed to a width of 16 feet except right in front of her cabin where she does not want to move the fence, about 50-75 feet. When the lawyers met with the surveyor out there the first time, she asked to be able to place flags where she wants the road to go. So they allow her this. We go to approve this, and what she has done is mark the fences and boulders that she placed in the roadway, and measured from them, making the road zig and zag and allowing her to leave her obstructions. Meaning she has the road being routed into the ditch where Scott wrecked the Jeep! We all verbally agreed to measure from the center of the road, 8 feet on either side. Unfortunately our lawyers did not specify this in the agreement, giving her free reign to cause more confusion and not resolve anything. We are back at square one if our lawyers do not see the reason in this. It is crystal clear to ME.
Whatever, she still has to move some things and the road has been surveyed and graded and is very nice. We have the right to walk jog or bicycle up and down the road if we like, without her interference. So basically we won. We just wound up in debt to our lawyer. Bet she's more in debt to HER lawyer.