
Signal or ThongTrees

I was reading about these trees, and saw several that look like ones we have found on our own property. It makes me want cooler weather to hurry up and get here so we can go explore some more and get better photos.
These wonders need to be recognized for what they are, and preserved.

Check out the Trail Tree Project in the links on the left:

Here are some of our trees. I can't guarantee these are ALL signal trees, but by the looks of the roots of that big one, they are easily old enough. Plus they point towards cave shelters and springs. I took these more than 2 years ago, so I didn't really know what all to look for. I can't wait to go take more pics and find more trees.
This is one for sure!!!
I am almost 100% positive this is a real signal tree.
These roots show some age!
More massive roots. Not sure, but if it isn't a mutant, it could very well be an old signal tree.

Not positive but I think this may be one.

The big one on the left seems to be one.

Top of one that has huge roots.

The hillside is steep and it was hard to get any footing to get this fuller shot.

Another shot of that huge rooted one.
There is a huge old dead one on the nasty neighbor's hillside that I wish I could get a photo of. I will someday after she has gone away.
There are many links if you would like to read more about this subject.





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