
Somebody Else's Old Photographs

I love old photographs. ALL old photos! They hold secrets and mysteries that sometimes can be deciphered, if there is writing on the back, or if they happen to accompany old letters. The people in the photos are frozen in time, their images captured at one moment in their lives, forever preserved, long after there is no longer anyone alive to carry any memory of them at all. Long forgotten people, who are now just dust, who were once just as alive as you are now. People who had someone who loved them enough to take their picture. Who somebody loved enough to keep photos of them safe forever in a special box of keepsakes. And who until now, have long been forgotten by time. If they knew that there would still remain these small traces of their existence, for strangers to peruse so many years beyond their passing, what would they think- if they cared at all?
A few years ago, I rescued a whole box of forgotten post cards and Valentines and Christmas cards that were moldering in an abandoned shed next to our house in Austin, Texas. They belonged to a deceased old lady named Leora. I recently unsealed the box which had been packed by me and taped up since about 2002 or so. To my great joy I found some old photographs in there among the cards and letters.
Amazingly, no one else in my house has any interest in even seeing the pictures I am scanning, or any curiosity at all about what I am scanning or why. How can they NOT be?
I can't tell if some of the men might be the same person.
Please be sure to click on the images for the full-size version! Thanks for looking and bringing their memory  back to life for another moment in time.
Apparently the man in the above picture is receiving a severe caning. He must have misbehaved!

Here is a slight mystery... I thought he might have been a fine soldier from WW1. At least the uniform seems to be a WW1 uniform. I think... But then I see Boy Scouts and also Park Rangers dressed like this.. so maybe Park Ranger?

               A young man, nicely dressed.

                      A young lady of the 1920s.

         A dapper young gent poses for a photograph.

Come ride with me Lucille, in my merry Oldsmobile... or whatever it is.

                                Faded love.

                    Happy Mom and Baby.

Baby. Maybe fire ants did not exist back then. I love the old house in the background.

   Man sitting on the roots of a big old tree.

Two ladies in Austin. The back of the photo has a stamp that bleeds through.. it says: "ELLISON PHOTO SERVICE, April 18, 1935, AUSTIN, TEXAS, Guaranteed not to fade."  All the ones that say this are really faded!
((NOTE: If anyone sees this and recognizes any of the people in the pictures, get in touch with me and I will happily send you the photos.))I will be scanning and posting some more out of this box.. some clippings and postcards and old greeting cards. Hope you enjoyed these.