
Just Another Creepy Story

Marilla Penn in front of Penn Castle (lower left)

Very soon after we had moved in to Penn Castle (we stayed for 2 months while waiting to close on the 30 acres we purchased) something happened that freaked us out bad!!!
Of course we were on our guard already, it was the biggest scariest looking house we had ever BEEN in, much less get to LIVE there for any length of time! It was creaky and dark and cold. That was the year it snowed in May. So we were all kind of camping around the antique furnishings in this huge place, and kind of kept to one or 2 rooms besides the ones we slept in, so as not to mess up anything, and the computer was set up in a nearly empty sitting room. It was in between Shanna's room at the top of the kitchen stairs and our master suite at the top of the front stairs, and the 2nd floor bathroom was right there in between 3 rooms, so it was a convenient central place to have the computer. I remember having to sit on the floor and the computer was in a deep window sill. The walls were 2 1/2 feet thick in that house!
And so we were hanging out on that room kind of late one night, around 11:00 pm, too late for visitors, when we hear KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. A definite knock. My heart stood still, and I looked at Scott and we were frozen staring at each other- this rush of fear in my ears, then KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK omg I about had a heart attack, I was frozen in place and Scott got up and went to see who was there, he went down the stairs through the scary front room to the door, and opened it... and.... NO ONE WAS THERE. He came back up and said no one was there, then KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK- LOL! THAT time he was near the doorway and it was coming from our bedroom...
...ready for this? You sure?
It was the stupid cell phone, that somehow got set to this ridiculous "knock knock knock" ringtone.. and we had gotten some text messages.
It doesn't have to be a real ghost to get one's blood pumping, under the right circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. we do have many places here,which are giving u chills on the spine,only to look at them,but i never had the courace to get near:)).Lovely post !!keep them comming!!
