
GAWD. Look at my world!

I hardly know what to say.  
I have nothing to blog about. Mainly because I have not done anything to blog about. Really. The most exciting thing I have done is purchase some non-GMO flour. Today I'm headed to the natural food stores where  I'm searching for Organic Maple Syrup and some other edible food. I saw a thing on Doctor Somebody about "diabesity" and that is what I want to avoid.
So this blog is about nothing. Basically nothing... and everything.
That, and the awesome spinning globe over there on the right that I have just installed, which will mark the location of every guest who comes to this blog! That is, in fact, the only thing that really inspired this entry. 


  1. Tell me more about the globe. I don't get why someone would read your inner most thoughts and not say boo!

  2. LOL. I don't seem to get notifications of comments here. Maybe its cuz I never check Gmail. The globe is supposed to show a dot on places that someone from there looks at this blog. Those words were hard to put together. Chances are they don't make sense. Gimme a beer!
